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Cancer Services Planning
He Mahere Ratonga Mate Pukupuku
Provides a summary of the current issues in adult cancer treatment services in Aotearoa New Zealand and sets out key focus areas to improve cancer treatment. It proposes a direction of travel which can be considered by decision-makers and service providers as they design and implement a reformed health system.
Cancer Medicines Availability Analysis
He tātari i te wāteatanga o ngā rongoā mate pukupuku
The State of Cancer in New Zealand 2020
He Pūrongo Mate Pukupuku o Aotearoa 2020
Provides a summary of the available data on our country’s system of cancer prevention and care. It also highlights gaps in our knowledge and areas where more research and attention could be focused.
Understanding the Gap
Mārama ana ki te Āputa
An analysis of the availability of cancer medicines in Aotearoa.
This report analyses what cancer medicines for solid tumours are funded in Australia compared to New Zealand – both in quantity and clinical benefit. This analysis was developed in response to questions on this from across the sector and people and whānau living with cancer. We are carrying out similar comparison analysis on blood cancer medicines which we expect will be completed towards late June-July 2024.
The Cancer Prevention Report.
Pūrongo Ārai Mate Pukupuku
Cancer is the leading cause of health loss in Aotearoa New Zealand with about 25,000 people diagnosed every year. Cancer is a complex condition, and it is not possible to predict who will develop cancer and who will not. However, half of all cancers are potentially preventable by reducing everyone’s exposure to the cancer risk factors present in our environments. This report focuses on what actions Aotearoa can take to stop cancers developing whenever possible.
Route to diagnosis
People diagnosed with cancer within 30-days of an emergency or acute (unplanned) hospital admission.
As part of our monitoring and Quality Improvement Programme we have released a report looking into the number of people diagnosed with cancer within 30-days of an emergency or acute (unplanned) hospital admission by districts around the motu | country
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