National Clinical Assembly
The purpose of the National Clinical Assembly (the Assembly) is to provide clinical advice and expertise to the Advisory Council and Chief Executive of Te Aho o Te Kahu.Role
The Assembly demonstrates the strong commitment from cancer doctors, nurses, and other professionals to work together with Te Aho o Te Kahu for better outcomes for New Zealanders with cancer.
The Clinical Assembly provides clinical advice to support the long-term strategic direction for reducing cancer incidence and improving cancer services across the cancer continuum, and to drive equitable health outcomes for priority populations, specifically focusing on Māori, Pacific peoples, those who live in rural and highly deprived areas, those with mental illness and disabled people.
The Clinical Assembly includes representative cancer-related clinicians from a broad range of medical, nursing and allied health specialities and organisations. The Chairs of the Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology and Haematology Working Groups are members. Additional members have been invited where there are possible gaps in required knowledge or experience.
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