CanShare is a new national health informatics platform that aims to allow the timely sharing of relevant and accurate cancer dataThe CanShare programme aims to support clinical and patient decision making at the point of care. Outcomes from this work will include advanced analytics capability supporting up-to-date monitoring of cancer care throughout the country.
This will enable the collection of complete and accurate cancer data, joining currently disparate data siloes and providing a means to share timely clinical cancer information as needed. Over the past year some 200 contributors including health care practitioners, subject matter experts and consumers have been consulted or participated in working groups to advise on CanShare. Alongside the technical aspects of CanShare, we are building the partnerships critical to give effect to Te Tiriti of Waitangi, in particular Māori data sovereignty in the development and use of cancer data.
Connections have been established with Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora, a cloud database is being built and there has been much work undertaken in the individual programmes comprising CanShare.
Visit Canshare at canshare.co.nz

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