Cancer National Clinical Network

Te Aho o Te Kahu | Cancer Control Agency is partnering with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora to improve access to quality cancer services, designed around the needs of all people and whānau in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Cancer remains the leading cause of death in Aotearoa New Zealand. Last year around 10,000 people died from cancer and around 27,000 people were diagnosed with it. 

The Cancer National Clinical Network will lead work to improve health outcomes, and reduce variations in access to cancer care, that many people and whānau experience.

The network will collaborate across the health system to address key challenges, such as:

  • Increasing workforce capacity and services to meet the increasing demand for cancer care.
  • Designing and implementing sustainable models to provide equitable, coordinated cancer care.
  • Reducing the unwarranted variations many people experience in accessing and using cancer services, and their health outcomes from treatment. Māori, Pacific, disabled people, and those living near or below poverty levels, are disproportionately represented in being diagnosed with cancer and experiencing poorer outcomes. 

To learn more about the network and its members please visit the Health NZ | Te Whatu Ora website.

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